
Sunday 2 December 2012

Christmas with Aunties Attic.

Santa Claus is coming to town!! Or actually, more like Aunties Attic is coming to a Christmas tree near you. So very happy we have finally sorted out the followers gadget trouble, so now you can go follow us and keep up with our updates. 
We have some posts planned for you all including new stock, DIY posts and fun 'how to wear' posts. So a lot to come your way and it is rather exciting indeed. Other than buying more stock and shopping a lot for vintage (which is very hard work of course), we have been rather crafty by making our own tags and getting out Ebay store up together. 
So if you fancy a little browse and a shop on our Ebay store then that would be delightful! Let us know what you think below, we are very interested to know your thoughts. As a new little shop we are still coming to terms with everything and really enjoying making a name for ourselves. Anyway, ho ho ho and merry Christmas. Hope you enjoy the countdown and shopping with us!

illustrated parcels for blog
How pretty are the parcels!? However we got told off at the post office for the use of string, which they sold at the post office, so explain that!
Love From Aunties Attic Vintage.


  1. I think your shop is a great idea! I absolutely love the blog design, too! But how couldn't it be awesome? Paige always creates these amazing designs :)

    1. Thank you! we are hoping to put some more stuff up on our Ebay tomorrow so feel free to check it out ;)
      ps. Paige does make lovely blog banners!
